Reclaim Your Comfort and Confidence

Vaginal Prolapse Repair

Experience the transformative power of private prolapse surgery at Electiva, a trusted name for 50 years, and regain your comfort, confidence, and quality of life.

What is Prolapse Repair?

Prolapse repair is a surgical treatment aimed at addressing a prolapse, which occurs when internal organs such as the bladder or bowels shift from their original position due to weakness in the vaginal muscles or ligaments. This condition can arise after childbirth or following a hysterectomy. The surgeon can perform the repair using either an open method or keyhole surgery, depending on the specific case. General anesthesia is typically administered, and the surgeon makes incisions inside the vagina to access and repair the affected areas.

Why have Prolapse Repair treatment surgery?

Prolapse repair treatment surgery is recommended to alleviate the symptoms and complications associated with a prolapse. By correcting the weakened vaginal muscles or ligaments, this surgical procedure aims to restore the proper positioning of the internal organs, such as the bladder or bowels. Prolapse repair surgery can provide relief from discomfort, urinary incontinence, and other related issues, allowing individuals to regain their quality of life and overall well-being.

What happens at the treatment?

During prolapse repair treatment, the surgeon may need to repair different areas depending on the specific prolapse condition. This can include repairing the front wall involving the bladder (anterior prolapse), the back wall involving the bowels (posterior prolapse), or the vaginal vault where the vaginal walls prolapse to the opening of the vagina. In some cases, a combination of procedures may be required for comprehensive repair. It is important to note that Electiva does not use mesh for repairing vaginal prolapse. Following the surgery, it is advised to avoid lifting heavy objects for four weeks. Stitches used during the procedure are typically dissolvable and do not require removal.

Please note that specific details and recommendations may vary depending on individual circumstances, and it is important to consult with a healthcare professional at Electiva for personalized advice and guidance regarding prolapse repair treatment.

Vaginal Prolapse Repair Treatment Overview and Cost

Anasthesia Local Anaesthesia
Procedure Time 1 to 2 hours
Hospital Admission 3 to 5 days
One Wall Cost £7,365
Two Wall Cost £9,055

Recovery Time: Duration and Expectations

Recovery time after prolapse repair treatment varies, with the procedure typically lasting 1 to 2 hours. Hospital admission is usually 3 to 5 days, ensuring proper post-operative care. Costs range from 4800 to 7200. Patients can anticipate a progressive recovery and guidance for a gradual return to normal activities.

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Why would I consider prolapse repair treatment surgery?

Prolapse repair surgery is recommended to alleviate the symptoms and complications associated with a prolapse, such as discomfort, urinary incontinence, or bowel dysfunction. It can improve the quality of life and overall well-being of individuals affected by this condition.

How long does the procedure typically take?

The duration of prolapse repair treatment can range from 1 to 2 hours, depending on the extent of repair required and the specific condition being addressed.

What type of anesthesia is used during prolapse repair surgery?

Prolapse repair treatment is typically performed under local anesthesia, ensuring a comfortable experience for patients.

How long is the hospital stay after prolapse repair surgery?

Hospital admission following prolapse repair surgery generally lasts between 3 to 5 days, allowing for close monitoring and post-operative care.

What are the expected costs for prolapse repair treatment?

The costs associated with prolapse repair treatment can vary and typically range from 4800 to 7200. It is important to consult with your healthcare provider and understand the specific cost details for your individual case.

What is the recovery time after prolapse repair surgery?

Recovery time can vary depending on individual circumstances. Patients can expect a progressive recovery and will receive guidance from their healthcare provider regarding the duration and expectations for returning to normal activities.

Are there any specific precautions or restrictions during the recovery period?

Patients are generally advised to avoid lifting heavy objects for a specified period following prolapse repair surgery. It is important to follow the post-operative instructions provided by your healthcare provider to ensure optimal healing and recovery.

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Inspiring Client Testimonials

The interaction I’ve had from pre op to post op has been fantastic. Would definitely recommend to anyone who is considering this kind of surgery
Janson Gibson
All of the staff treated me with dignity and were cheerful and chatty when attending to me.
All round good experience, from making the initial contact through to after care (currently 2 weeks post op).
Alan Muray
All staff were exceptional and put me at ease, Chris Markey answered all my questions and got me in for surgery within 2 days.
Deby Rawsthorn

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Experience Excellence: Tap into 50 years of leading healthcare with Electiva.
Tailored Care: Get personalised treatments from top specialists.
Advanced Technology: Stay ahead with our cutting-edge medical advancements.
Swift Service: Benefit from fast appointments in our modern, comfortable facilities.
Your Health, Our Priority: Choose us for compassionate, patient-centred care. Book now for optimal outcomes!

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